Amalgamated Vision: Optics for HMD Wins NASA iTech 2020
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Amalgamated Vision chosen as a winner of the NASA iTech Forum 2020.
On October 2, 2020, Amalgamated Vision was chosen as a winner of the NASA iTech Forum 2020. They were selected from hundreds of technology companies that competed for consideration this year and from among the nine finalists in the last stage of the competition. Each company presented its technology and then underwent both public and closed-door examination by a panel of judges consisting of NASA Space Center Chief Technologists, Program Managers and Venture Capital / Industry representatives. The judges noted that Amalgamated Vision’s “direct retinal display technology has potential applications for NASA, particularly for use in space suits.”
Amalgamated Vision is building industry leading optics to change the way people see digital data and unlock the potential of spatial computing.
The company recently received allowance of their second USPTO patent application “Wearable Display for Near to Eye Viewing”, insuring defensibility of their unique laser-driven ultra-near-to-eye platform. Solving an unmet market need with an ergonomically correct device that delivers high-resolution images in a compact form factor will be the key to capturing the expected $42B head-mounted display market.
The idea of placing AV eyewear on a NASA astronaut is incredibly motivating and inspiring, but we’re still focused on our broader mission – developing a successful commercial head-mounted display for enterprise, healthcare and consumers in a practical HMD that people will embrace and enjoy worldwide.
Adam Davis, MD
Founder, Amalgamated Vision
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