Silver Chain Group reveals the next big thing in the healthcare world
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By Millyn Lammens –
As a nurse, do you need to speak to a doctor but can’t call because you’re helping your patient?
Well, Silver Chain Group reveals remote specialist consultations by HoloLens powered holographic doctor. This group has made it possible for a nurse to look through a Microsoft HoloLens. They are able to see the patient’s data and speak to a holographic doctor.
Being able to see the patient’s data and speaking to a holographic specialist is called EMMR, which stands for Enhanced Medical Mixed Reality. This technology gives the nurses power to use hands free data while they are at their in-home visits. Doctors are even able to holoport in and can also see what the nurses are doing.
The cool thing about this is that the doctor can see live biometric data and can also speak to the patient as well as the family members. The goal of this technology is for the doctors to be able to remain in their current location, while still doing their job and helping out. It’s predicted to save the healthcare system a lot of time and money. Silver Chain Group’s research told them that 30 percent of patients don’t need to be hospitalized. They could be receiving the same care in the comfort of their own home.
This technology is definitely the next best thing in the healthcare world.
About Millyn Lammens
Millyn Lammens is the Community Management Intern at She is curious about the use of technology to solve complex problems.
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Great article!