TRIPP: virtual reality for decompression therapy
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Drug-free treatment options are offered via gaming technology
TRIPP is a pioneering research-based company with a focus on wellness and substance-free mental health solutions. TRIPP comprises of a team of scientists working on VR-based products to offer mental health and wellness solutions. Virtual Reality as commonly used in the gaming industry is leveraged by TRIPP to help users relax their minds in a similar way it happens during meditation.
TRIPP transports users to a calming virtual world
TRIPP provides you with a VR headset that takes you to a place with a mood of your choice. One is taken into a virtual world that makes the mind believe that it is the current environment they are in. When one chooses a calm mood, he is taken to a mystical world that is very calm. Soothing narrations, audio-visuals and the occlusion effect gives the mind a feeling of relaxation. The feeling literally shuts the head down and takes one to a whole new world. One forgets their depression for a while.
TRIPP is a decompression tool. One can control their thoughts through head movements and eye gazes while wearing the VR headset. TRIPP guides you to a meditative experience without the need for an actual guided meditation. TRIPP has mind altering capabilities with binaural beats that act like a recreational drug to the human mind.
An incredible feature of TRIPP that makes users want to keep using it is the ever- changing environment of virtual reality. Every day at 11:11, the whole environment changes. All assets transform — voiceover, teaching, the messaging, everything. That builds in a desire to return for a new experience every time. These changes are called TRIPP Loads. Users keep coming knowing that their next experience will be different. This is the entertaining part of TRIPP that makes it more effective in healing people suffering from anxiety and stress. Users can change their emotions and alter their feelings without the need to travel or take drugs.
An adaptive environment
TRIPP is adaptive to its users. Machine learning techniques and neural networks capture data from users to help the team improve on the system. Its adaptive nature gives users unique experiences. Sound frequencies change regularly with binaural in the background and adaptive musical layers.
TRIPP works with neuroscientists to avoid negative effects of immersive digital experience in virtual reality. The team is also working on how they can involve fully academic research by creating an arm of the company dedicated to academic studies. In TRIPP’s quest to leverage existing research in the use of technology applications in the area of mental health and wellness, TRIPP engaged in a study that proved virtual reality distraction is effective in pain reduction. Virtual reality can also be used in managing anxiety and pain in children. It is all about altering the mind and distracting the feeling of pain.
The future of mental health care is TRIPP
TRIPP is working on creating energizing and stimulating virtual reality experiences since people need them even more. Through virtual reality, you can gain full control of your mind. When one’s mind is full of negativity and hopelessness, the virtual experiences
can alter the mind to believe that their life has changed and that they are now living in the world they have always wanted. In doing so, one begins to generate positive thoughts.
To learn more about TRIPP, visit their website:
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