BehaVR addresses pain management using virtual reality
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Encouraging positive behavior change in those suffering from chronic pain
BehaVR is a research company focusing on driving behavioral health and positive change by using virtual reality. BehaVR believes that lasting behavior change powered by virtual reality can help people live longer, be healthier and have more productive lives. BehaVR provides modern solutions to health problems. Through the technology, patients learn how to manage their chronic pain.
BehaVR uses the immersive power of virtual reality to create virtual experiences that help motivate patients and activate healthy behavior change. The technique empowers patients with new ways that do not involve taking drugs to help them control their emotions and relieve stress. Behavior change is crucial to living healthy. Sometimes pain is just a state of the mind. When one understands how to control the mind, they can control how they experience pain.

How BehaVR works
The brain depends on inputs from senses to maintain a model of the bodies current state. From such input, the brain can tell whether one is safe or in danger, happy or sad, and more. Virtual reality via the BehaVR platform replaces the sensory inputs to the brain to introduce a new reality to the brain. When one is stressed, virtual reality can create an experience that feeds the brain with happiness. When the mind is made to believe that we are happy when we are not, our behavior changes and we respond differently to things around us. BehaVR uses virtual reality to give patients an incredible power to impart new mental models.

A patient in pain puts on the virtual reality headset which takes him through various scenarios. Virtual reality removes distractions by providing an immersive mindful experience to help patients eliminate painful emotions. The interactive nature of BehaVR allows patients to select their own experience. Practicing how to manage pain regularly is a relief to patients since it changes their perspective about pain. Virtual reality-delivered pain neuroscience education (PNE) combined with therapist-delivered PNE gives incredible results to patients suffering chronic pain.
BehaVR CEO, Aaron Gani, says “Through the use of VR goggles, the content is enhanced and ‘stickier’ for patients. Using this new technology plus our hands-on interventions gives patients new opportunities in curbing chronic pain”.
VR makes it easier for patients to get deeply engaged in the mindfulness content and cognitive behavioral therapy-based emotional regulation strategies provided through the therapy.
BehaVR is helping manage the opioid epidemic that resulted from unhealthy and excessive use of opioids to relieve pain. For chronic pain that could last a lifetime, it is not advisable that patients be put on drugs. Excessive use of pain-relief drugs has side effects that may result in serious health issues and stress. With BehaVR, patients no longer need to use opioids or any other pain medications. Whenever pain sets in, patients know how to manage it instead of having to rely on pills.
Changing the game
BehaVR is a game changer in the medical sector. Combined with therapist-delivered pain neuroscience education, incredible advancements are being realized in managing pain. BehaVR conquers the mind by creating a new reality for the brain. The satisfaction that results from the ability to control how you feel is tremendous.
To learn more visit BehaVR at
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